03) DHQ 2023 Edition

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Dental Hygiene Quarterly 2023



Spring 2023


Care Beyond the Chair:  A Collaborative Approach to Dental Hygiene (Part 1)

1.75 CE

Dr. Mandeep Johal, DDS

Dr. Johal helps us to discover what care beyond the chair could look like as we need to work in a mutli-disciplinary approach to provide overall care to our clients.


Sustainability Opportunities in the Dental Practice

1 CE

Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH

Kathleen shares opportunities within our practice to help minimize our impact on the environment.



Summer 2023


Care Beyond the Chair: A Collaborative Approach to Dental Hygiene (Part 2)

1.5 CE

Dr. Mandeep Johal, DDS

Dr. Johal helps us to discover what care beyond the chair could look like as we need to work in a mutli-disciplinary approach to provide overall care to our clients.


You and Your Patient's Brain Health... What You Can Be Doing Now

1 CE

Angie Stone, BLS, CDP, BS, RDH

Angie Stone will discuss the things we can do in our practice chairside to assist our patients in keeping their brains as healthy as they can for their lifetime.



Fall 2023


Intro to Becoming an Orthodontic RDH

.75 CE

Liisa Moore, RDH

Join Liisa as she walks you through a day in the life of a dental hygienist in an orthodontic office.


Assessing Salivary Risk - Understanding Salivary Diagnostics

2 CE

Kerry Lepicek, RDH

Join Kerry as she reviews pathogenic bacteria and how they are associated with systemic diseases. She will demonstrate how to read and discuss various DNA reports with your patients. Oral bacteria tests are safe, simple and can help dental hygienists find hidden oral pathogens that pose a future threat to your patient’s oral and systemic health.



Winter 2023


HIV: Take the Stigma  out of the Dental Practice

2 CE

Joe Siegfried, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

With a history of stigma in the dental practice setting, HIV and AIDS treatment and research has come very far since the mid 80’s.  Join Joe Siegfried as he dispels some of the misconceptions that remain around this topic.


Oral Pathology Refresher: Identifying and Documenting Oral Lesions

2 CE

Harishni Ramesha, RDH

Join Harishni and review the variants of normal and other intra-oral lesions as well as how to recognize (and document) oral lesions as they relate to systemic conditions.






