2024/10/30: All About Indices

Presented by: Christine Crawford RDH, B.Sc., M.Ed.

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Product Description

All About Indices



CE Hours: 2 (Online)



Course Date & Time:



Wednesday, October 30th - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST



Course Description:


All About Indices will provide an easy, fun and thorough review of indices used in dental hygiene practice, including plaque/biofilm index, calculus index, gingival index and extrinsic staining index.  This course will also demonstrate the importance of gathering objective data for dental hygiene assessments for the purposes of accuracy and standardization.  How to make simple changes to your dental hygiene practice through gathering of assessments and clear documentation of these dental indices will be clarified.



Course Objectives:


  • Identify and define key terms and concepts related to dental indices
  • Identify the purpose, criteria for measurement, scoring methods, range of scores, and reference or interpretation scales for a variety of dental indices
  • Discuss the differences between Biofilm Indices (Plaque Indices)
  • Examine the Calculus Index and how to apply this index for supragingival and subgingival calculus
  • Explain the Gingival Index while identifying how this index differs from the Bleeding Index (Bleeding on Probing)
  • Explain the Staining Index in relation to extrinsic staining
  • Review Periodontal Screening and Recording (PSR) index and determine the appropriate use during a periodontal assessment
  • Determine how dental indices can positively affect the delivery oral health education and oral health goals for client



What Your Colleagues Are Saying About This Course:


  • I chose the topic, the presenter and the amount that I wanted to spend. I have no regrets and I feel like I got my moneys worth....I enjoyed it and learned a lot! What more could I ask for? ~ Roma
  • I enjoyed the course. It was a great review of indices presented well. Christine kept the pace going and made the material interesting so the two hours went by quickly. I appreciated the timing since I work later in the day. ~ Lori
  • She was very informative and made the subject easy to listen to. ~ Shannon
  • Christine is very good and knowledgeable. Being a later course, I appreciated having the recording to finish watching it the next day! ~ Manon
  • It was great information. She discussed what we had learned in school but moved away from and should be implemented back into my regular routine. I love how Christine gave us tips to make it fast and easy but still thorough. ~ Natasha


