2024/12/08: HIV: Take the Stigma out

Presented By: Joe Siegfried, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

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Product Description

HIV: Take the Stigma out of the Dental Practice


CE Hours: 2 (Online)


Online Date:


Sunday, December 8th - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST (8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time) 


Course Description:


With a history of stigma in the dental practice setting, HIV and AIDS treatment and research has come very far since the mid 80’s.  Join Joe Siegfried as he dispels some of the misconceptions that remain around this topic. Let’s look at the evidence-based research available today to help us treat our clients in need and anticipate some of the possible oral implications they may encounter.


Learning Objectives:


  1. Explore the history of H.I.V. & A.I.D.S diagnosis and current treatment and prevention.
  2. Explore the history of H.I.V. & A.I.D.S. in the oral health setting and current practice setting recommendations.
  3. Learn to overcome current stigmas that may create communication barriers across the dental setting.
  4. Learn some of the possible oral manifestations treated to HIV infection
  5. Learn what the 90-90-90 measures are and the progress made in Canada for people living with HIV.


What Your Colleagues Are Saying About This Course:


  • I have not come in contact with any patients living with HIV in my practice and would not know what to do before taking this course. It's an eye opener. Now I know what is normal CD4 count and what is not & meds for PrEP and PEP. ~ Mai
  • It was good to review and learn new facts about HIV/AIDS. ~ Louise
  • Great speaker ! Shared valuable knowledge supported by science. Greatly improved my understanding of this topic.  ~ Genelle
  • Excellent course. ~ Bryna
  • Great reminders and essential updates to practicing dental hygiene within all of Joes' presentations/research. ~ Leslie

