2025/03/24: Recipe for Record Keeping

Presented by: Beth Parkes, RDH, BSc & Kerry Lepicek, RDH

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Product Description

Recipe for Record Keeping ~ The ADPIE Approach 


CE Hours: 5 (Online)




Part 1: Monday, March 24th - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM EST

Part 2: Monday, March 31st - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM EST



Course Description:


Join Kerry Lepicek and Beth Parkes as they walk you through the framework of ADPIE (Assessment, Dental hygiene Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation) to lead you towards greater client-specific care plans and accurate records. Refresh your knowledge on this pivotal process that can become blurry post-graduation as bad habits and short cuts become a temptation in our daily practice.


Find answers to the common questions: “Just what do I need to record to support my care plans?  What do I need to document and how can I do this within a reasonable timeframe?”


This online course will take a look at documentation practices by analyzing the Process of Care: Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Dental hygienists will leave with the practical skills required to successfully integrate and document the ADPIE Process right away into their practice. The course will allow and encourage time to discuss, practice and understand a practical approach to this framework through case studies and group discussion. 


Learning Objectives:


  • Review the framework of the ADPIE process as the basic model for creating and achieving optimal client care and chart entries.
  • Identify the relevancy of assessment data including Indices and the correlation of findings to aid in the ADPIE process.
  • Understand the significance of the assessment phase, the importance of accurate and measurable data and the effect this has on the rest of the dental hygiene process.
  • Learn and practice creating Dental Hygiene Diagnosis statements and client centered goals together to re-enforce your learning through case studies.
  • Recognize the components of a well written and documented dental hygiene care plan to ethically support treatment recommendations and services rendered.
  • Analyze the importance of evaluation as it pertains to individualized client needs and treatment outcomes.


BONUS! Beth and Kerry will provide you with aExample Recipe for Documenting ADPIE 2023 that will help you implement into your practice!


What Your Colleagues Are Saying About This Course:


  • Excellent course. I enjoyed the format, I like the examples, participation. Feel confident that I can apply what I learned when documenting in my charts. ~ Susan
  • An excellent course. Very engaging. I came away with great tips to improve my documentation and I finally understand the evaluation component of ADPIE! ~ Lori
  • I found the presenters to be knowledgeable in this course subject and very personable. Kerry and Beth are very realistic in our ability to improve our knowledge and documentation during our work day while encouraging the course participants to not become overwhelmed by making changes in increments. ~ Bev
  • Kerry and Beth were excellent presenters.  90% of success is preparation.  They did their homework and it showed.  Excellent course that broke it all down into bite size pieces.  Very thorough and very professional.  They truly did an excellent job.  WTG! ~ Susanne


