2025/04/16: Radiography Refresh

Presented by: Christine Crawford, RDH, B.Sc., M.Ed.

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Product Description

Radiography Refresh 


CE Hours: 6 (Online)


Online Dates:


Part 1: Wednesday, April 16th - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST

Part 2: Wednesday, April 23th - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST

Part 3: Wednesday, April 30th - 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST



Course Description:


Radiography Refresh will provide a comprehensive review of radiation biology, radiation protection, H.A.R.P and quality assurance documentation needed in a dental office. 


This course will engage learners in radiographic interpretation for the dental hygienist, discuss the importance of a full mouth series during the dental hygiene diagnosis and throughout the process of care (ADPIE).  Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of the importance of radiographs while determining a client’s AAP Grade when completing a periodontal assessment.


Radiography Refresh will assist learners in trouble-shooting common radiographic errors many clinicians may experience.  These errors include; overlapping contacts, cone cut, film placement, distortion (elongation/foreshortening).  Special client considerations will be discussed as well, such as maxillary torus and mandibular tori, edentulous clients, high/narrow palates, gag reflexes and children.


Learning Objectives:


  • Define and explain radiation injury, ionizing radiation, cumulative effects, as well as long-term vs. short term effects of radiation.
  • Discuss communication strategies with clients with regards to radiation in dentistry.
  • Discuss risks vs. benefits of dental images.
  • Examine the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act (H.A.R.P) and the role of a Radiation Protection Officer.
  • Review quality assurance requirements with regards to dental radiography.
  • Analyze various intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal radiographic findings.
  • Formulate a RBL % calculation as per AAP classifications through case study examples.
  • Classify clients as Grade A, B or C based on radiographic bone loss (RBL).
  • Discuss common radiographic errors in dentistry and causes.
  • Discuss film placement techniques to help correct common radiographic errors.
  • Compare the pros and cons of the paralleling technique to the bisecting technique.
  • Explain correct angulations of the PID (horizontal and vertical angulations).

What Your Colleagues Are Saying About This Course:


  • The course was very well presented offering a good review of facts as well great tips and updates. I would recommend this course! As well, registration was easy and the handouts are a nice bonus. Thank you :) ~ Kimberley
  • Even after 32 years as a Dental Hygienist I learned something I had never heard of before. The Localization Technique. Just when you think after so many years you must have heard it all before we are reminded there is always something else to learn. Thanks for another excellent course. ~ Joann
  • I thought Christine spoke so clearly and effectively to present the information. The visual aid were excellent. So happy I took this course! ~ Aliza
  • The course was concise and hit all the most relevant points and tips. Enjoyed it and learned a few new tricks to use in difficult situations when taking radiographs. ~ Tammy
  • Christine did an amazing job of going back to the basics while incorporating day to day radiography needs and research articles to assist in gaining more information! She did an awesome job refreshing radiographic knowledge to assist us in our everyday practice and ultimately continue to help us grow our radiographic skills to help our clients achieve the best possible oral health outcomes and well as give our clients a better explanation on why we take radiographs and what radiation is. ~ Kate
  • It was one of the most interesting Radiology course I have done in years. Mrs Chistine Crawford is an amazing teacher. ~ Otavio
  • Excellent refresher on all things radiography, great tips for film placement and angulation. ~ Lynda


