6) DHQ 2020 Edition

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Product Description

Dental Hygiene Quarterly 2020 


Spring 2020


CBCT Technology

Nipa Parikh RDH, MDS, BDS


Explore the radiographic principles, the ALARA considerations and the indications for use for this exciting technology.


Integrating Lasers into Dental Hygiene Practice: 10 Reasons Why

Beth Parkes, RDH, BSc


The top 10 reasons to consider adding Laser Therapy into your Dental Hygiene Program is discovered.


Cannabis and Oral Health

Presented by: Nipa Parikh RDH, MDS, BDS


This insightful segment will leave you with a stronger understanding of the role we have as Registered Dental Hygienists for our clients who use cannabis, and the legal consideration we need to understand.



Summer 2020


Title: Maintain Your Edge: A Sharpening Workshop & Discovery of Leading-Edge Instruments: Part 1

Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH and Beth Parkes, RDH, BSc


Learn how to achieve and maintain a sharp cutting edge every time!


Diode Lasers for the Dental Hygienist

Chrissy Ford, RDH


Learn about the different procedures that are possible with the diode laser and how to effectively implement them into your dental hygiene practice.



CAMBRA - A Comprehensive Caries Management Guide for Dental Professionals Part 1

Kerry Lepicek, RDH


Learn how to implement effective caries risk assessment and caries management strategies into your practice.



Fall 2020


CAMBRA - A Comprehensive Caries Management Guide for Dental Professionals Part 2

Kerry Lepicek, RDH


Learn how to implement effective caries risk assessment and caries management strategies into your practice.


Title: Maintain Your Edge: A Sharpening Workshop & Discovery of Leading-Edge Instruments: Part 2

Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH and Beth Parkes, RDH, BSc


New leading-edge instruments and instrument selection is discovered.


Sleep Apnea…a NOT so Silent Killer: What dental hygienists need to know to help save lives.

Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH


Understanding the Sleep Disorder, how it affects our clients, how to screen for potential Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and recognize when to refer is in our area of influence.



Winter 2020



Back to Work: Adapting and Changing

Anna Louise Tolan, RDH, FADIA


Elevate your practice and safety by incorporating evidence-based research to aid in risk assessment and management.


Which is more important? Procedures or Communication in getting Client’s Healthy?  Part 1   

Dr. Jim Hyland, DDS


Learn successful communication strategies to help get our clients take ownership of their oral health.


The Oral Systemic Connection: Our Evolving Role as Dental Professionals Part 1

Chrissy Ford, RDH


The oral systemic connection and the role that we play every single day is shared.


