7) DHQ 2019 Edition

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Dental Hygiene Quarterly 2019 Edition



Spring 2019


The Dental Hygiene Process of Care: Part 1 (Intro)
Michelle Atkinson, RDH
An introduction to the Dental Hygiene Process of Care is shared.

Alternatives to Interproximal Cleaning
Sasha McKean, RDH, BSc
An overview of Interproximal aids is discussed and demonstrated.

Collaboration with a Registered Homeopath
Aimee Marples, RDH, DCHM, RHom
A look at how RDH’s can collaborate with Homeopaths to help our clients in need.

The Clinical Dance
Evelyn Ramsay
Ideas and suggestions on improving the client experience is shared.


Summer 2019


The Dental Hygiene Process of Care: Part 2 (Assessment)
Michelle Atkinson, RDH, CAE , BA
The Assessment phase of the DHPC is shared.

Social Responsibility: A Gift from the Heart
GFTH Board of Directors
In an interview style presentation, the discussion is on how as dental hygienists it is our responsibility to give back to the vulnerable population in our communities and different ways in which we can do so.

Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea…What’s up with that?
John Viviano, DDS D ADBSM
The impact of Sleep Apnea on clients and society, the effectiveness of current Sleep Apnea management and the potential of Oral Appliances on management is presented.

The Dental Hygiene Process of Care: Part 3 (Dental Hygiene Diagnosis) 
Michelle Atkinson, RDH, CAE, BA
The Dental Hygiene Diagnosis phase of the DHPC along with samples of DH Diagnostic Statements are shared.

Collaboration with a Sleep Disorders Specialist 
Dr. Viviano, DDS D ADBSM
A look at how RDH’s can collaborate with Sleep Disorder Specialists to help our clients in need.





Fall 2019


The Dental Hygiene Process of Care: Part 4 (Planning)
Michelle Atkinson, RDH, CAE, BA
The planning phase involves the establishment of realistic goals and selection of dental hygiene interventions that can move a client closer to optimal oral health. This phase is shared in this session.

Breathing Related Sleep Disorders…The Basics 
John Viviano, DDS D ADBSM
People who suffer from sleep disorders lives are shortened. In this session we learn about the problem, the consequences if unmanaged and discover treatment options.

The Dental Hygiene Process of Care: Part 5 (Implementation) 
Michelle Atkinson, RDH, CAE, BA
The implementation phase of dental hygiene interventions involves the process of carrying out the care plan designed to meet the assessed needs of the client. This phase is shared.

Revive and Thrive: Why Food Matters 
Gillian Bogden, CNP
Food has a great impact on our client’s lives. In this session we learn about the importance of different foods, along with essential vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

The Dental Hygiene Process of Care (Part 6: Evaluation & 7: Conclusion) 
Michelle Atkinson, RDH, CAE, BA
The evaluation phase of the DHPC is shared. This session completes the DHPC series.


Winter 2019


Snoring and Sleep Apnea…Patient Screening and Verbal Skills 
John Viviano, DDS D ADBSM
Dr. Viviano shares different sleep apnea screening tools and verbal skills that we can use with our clients.

Collaboration with Physicians
Lorraine Gambacourt, RDH with Dr. Bale, MD and Dr. Doneen, DNP, ARNP
Lorraine interviews Dr. Bale and Dr. Doneen and discusses how, as dental hygienists, we can collaborate with physicians to help prevent heart attack and strokes with our clients.

Oral Appliance Therapy
John Viviano, DDS D ADBSM
A look at how Oral Appliance Therapy can be an alternative choice of treatment for sleep apneic clients.

CAMBRA Integration: A Practical Approach
Tabetha Magnuszewski, RDH 
Discover how implementing CAMBRA as a systematic, practical approach can be beneficial to your practice.


