RAD Up your Skills! Radiography Hands-on Coaching

4 hours | Provided by: Christine Crawford, RDH, B.Sc., M.Ed.

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Product Description

RAD Up your Skills! Radiography Hands-on Coaching


  •  4 hours of coaching
  •  $2000/office - up to 15 participants
    • *Additional charges apply for more than 15 participants
  • Separate invoice for travel expenses/accommodations

Once registered we will be in contact with you to discuss further details!


Provide your office staff with hands-on, in-person radiographic training to help trouble-shoot common radiographic errors many clinicians experience.  These errors include: overlapping contacts, cone cut, film placement, distortion (elongation/foreshortening) and panoramic radiographs.  Special client considerations will be discussed as well, such as maxillary torus and mandibular tori, edentulous clients, high/narrow palates, periodontitis clients, periapicals during endodontic treatment, gag reflexes and children. 


In the comfort of your own office, and with your own radiography equipment, let’s RAD Up your Skills!


Learning objectives:


  1. Discuss common radiographic errors in dentistry and causes.
  2. Discuss film placement techniques to help correct common radiographic errors.
  3. Compare the pros and cons of the paralleling technique to the bisecting technique.
  4. Explain correct angulations of the PID (horizontal and vertical angulations).
  5. Practice correct film placements for anterior and posterior PAs, and horizontal and vertical bitewings.
  6. Practice client positioning for a panoramic radiograph.
  7. Modify current film placement to avoid radiographic errors and distortion.
  8. Visualize the primary x-ray beam in relation to the contacts of the teeth and rotated/misaligned teeth.
  9. Practice techniques for client comfort during radiographic procedures.
  10. Apply time saving routines for a full mouth series (FMS).