Oral-Systemic Health: A Four Pillar Approach ~ November 2021

Presented by: Lorraine Gambacourt, RDH

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Product Description

The Path To Oral-Systemic Health: A Four Pillar Approach


CE Hours: 6




Sunday, November 21st - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST


Sunday, November 28th - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST



Course Description:


Almost 47% of North American adults experience some form of periodontal disease. In spite of our efforts to mange this life-threatening disease, its incidence and prevalence have constantly increased during the past 3 decades and is now the 12th most prevalent global pathology.  In order to make a positive impact we must evaluate our current methods of assessment and treatment and make changes that can bring about improved, sustainable treatment outcomes, as well as a reduction in systemic risk. 


Where does salivary testing fit in?


When we incorporate pathogen testing as part of risk analysis it helps us understand how the pathogenic profile is contributing to disease as well as the overall burden.  Understanding this, as well as the impact of other risk factors, will guide us in developing an individualized active therapy treatment plan using the appropriate tools that will decrease bleeding, the biofilm burden, inflammation, and address the host response. We will also extensively explore the role of oral probiotics as a modality to help sustain the improved level of oral health.

This comprehensive course with help you to enhance your knowledge and skills. Lorraine will also provide you with a variety of supportive resources to help communicate treatment recommendations, and initiate collaboration with physicians for the overall health of our clients.


Learning Objectives:


As an outcome of this course, the participant will be able to: 


  • Explain the benefits of microbial analysis as a risk assessment tool.
  • Describe specific analogies that will assist our communication with clients to better understand their condition.
  • List several non-invasive treatment modalities that address the bacterial, inflammatory and host response components of periodontal disease.
  • Identify health strategies, products and modalities that can aid in the maintenance phase of treatment.